Friday, October 31, 2008

Dem vs Rep, S&P500 returns during their presidency

Bloomberg Article:
According to the New York Times, which ran the numbers and a graphic on Oct. 14, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index has outperformed under a Democratic administration, with average annual returns of 8.9 percent compared with 0.4 percent under the GOP. Even excluding Herbert Hoover, the Dems win hands down.

As of Friday, a $10,000 investment in the S.& P. stock market index* would have grown to $11,733 if invested under Republican presidents only, although that would be $51,211 if we exclude Herbert Hoover’s presidency during the Great Depression. Invested under Democratic presidents only, $10,000 would have grown to $300,671 at a compound rate of 8.9 percent over nearly 40 years

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