Saturday, April 16, 2011

Military spending, 35% of budget

If we cut that back to 1/6th of our spending on military, we'd still be the top spender in the world [].

If we cut 90%, we'd be the world's second-highest spender.

If we cut back 95%, we'd be 10th.

If you actually take the time to expand the categories you'll see that a few lines items could easily be moved around

Federal military and civilian employee retirement and disability 4.6%
This is listed under health care, but a major portion of it could be in the Military personnel salaries and benefits.

The line item for Veterans Benefits 4.1%
could also just as easily have been a sub-paragraph of the Military budget.

So if you wanted to read it differently, Health Care would be at 19.7% and Nation Defense would be at 35%

Sunday, February 20, 2011

When will there be a political party that is fiscally responsible, and how come Democrats are the only ones who even are remotely close to this?

Thanks George Bush! You gave the gift that keeps on taking with no benefit to anyone except dishonest bastards. $285 Billion = amount of money I want back that Republicans spent on proven to be fake technology.

George W. Bush (R), served 2001–2009 [His legacy for fraud and dishonesty are still with us!]
Fiscal responsibility starts with Republicans, NOT!

Description of the software after the sales pitch:
"The software so excited C.I.A. officials that, for a few months at least, it was considered “the most important, most sensitive” intelligence tool the agency had, according to a former agency official"

Starting in 2003 until 2008 we paid an estimated $20 Million to a guy who said this: ‘My technology is real, and it’s worth a fortune' but... it turns out he was a fraud.

'Hints of fraud by Mr. Montgomery, previously raised by Bloomberg Markets and Playboy, provide a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of government contracting. A Pentagon study in January found that it had paid $285 billion in three years to more than 120 contractors accused of fraud or wrongdoing.'
The article goes on to explain that the French Government confirmed the same thing, which the CIA eventually confirmed in 2003 (but they didnt do anything about it), and the FBI confirmed in 2009.